Greetings: On the Occasion of the 16th Issue

Boss, wake up… is he passed out drunk or something?

No, just exhausted. His wife gave birth to their second child recently, and he’s been very busy, getting little sleep.

Maybe we should write the greeting this time.

Yeah, let’s just do it. Grab some beers.


Craft beer has been making inroads to regions all over Japan of late, and Girl Power has been key to the spread of this new religion. Female contribution is gaining visibility through beer blogs and websites launched by women, as well as articles and other publications authored by them. I’m a member of the Women of Beer who enjoys spending her evenings bar-hopping around Tokyo. One summer night last year while on my rounds I ran into the publisher, Ry. Fast-forward and now I’m a Japan Beer Times staff member, writing my introduction. True to the spirit of Women of Beer, I want to bring a fresh, “hoppy” new perspective that breathes new ideas into Japan Beer Times and the craft beer world. Unite girls, cheers!

Masaki Chiaki


I’ve always liked craft beer and have been drinking it for years, but actually didn’t know a whole lot about all that goes into its production. Then the job offer came. Realizing I could parlay all my experience in importing and business development from my previous job, I decided to join the team at the Japan Beer Times. I’m honored to have such a valuable opportunity to learn more about this promising industry. At present, I’m actually working in preparation to establish a new company where I will import materials and products key to the craft beer industry. I very much look forward to working with Japan Beer Times and meeting all of you.

Miyamoto Mako


While the women of Japan Beer Times are here, I’d like to chime in, too. Between my real, full-time job (in IT) and family commitments, I haven’t been able to devote as much time as I would like to the magazine design, our website or our app. As things settle down, I hope to give them all more attention, thus enhancing your experience. I’m happy to be able to drink again after another safe, healthy birth, and would like to thank everyone for supporting our magazine these past four years.

My Huynh (designer, boss of the boss)






クラフトビールが日本各地に根付きつつある昨今、その「聖水」の普及に「ガールズパワー」が欠かせないものとなってきた。多くの女子がビールに関するブログやウェブサイトを開設したり、記事や出版物を著したりと目覚ましい活躍を見せている。かくいう私もビール女子の一人。よなよな東京を中心にバーホッピングを楽しんでいる。2012年夏、そんな「ソロ活動」を通じて編集人のライと出会った。そして今、Japan Beer Timesのスタッフとしてこの自己紹介文を書いている。ビール女子由来の若く、フレッシュでhoppyな感性を活かし、JBTとクラフトビール業界に新風を巻き起こします!Unite girls, cheers!



元々クラフトビールが好きで長年飲んできましたが、実はどのような製法で作られているかなど、ほとんど知らずにおりました。この度お仕事のオファーを頂き、今まで積んできたビジネス開発と輸出入での経験を生かしてお手伝いができるかと思い、Japan Beer Timesにお世話になることに決めました。活気のある前向きなこの業界でクラフトビールについて勉強できることをとても光栄に思います。

現在、クラフトビール業界のお役に立てる材料や商品などの輸入に向けて新会社を設立すべく動いております。今後ともJapan Beer Timesと共によろしくご愛顧を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。





In this Issue:

Chateau Kamiya’s Ushiku Brewery
Michinoku Fukushima Beer
Kobayashi Tsutomu (Kobatsu)
The Beer Professors
Yo-Ho Brewing: dispensing with the preliminaries
Secondary Fermentation 二次発酵
Beer Roundup (Autumn 2013)
Brew Tunes: Engine by Taylor Martin