Greetings: On the Occasion of the 15th Issue

So, where do you want to go get some good beer?”

“I don’t know, what’s around here?”

“Hold on, let me check the Craft Beer Japan app…”

She opens it up, checks the beer map, and it reveals her GPS location. She’s surrounded by a sea of pint glasses indicating the location of bars serving craft beer.

“That’s a rather useless app,” her friend says, “It just shows you every single damn bar in the city.”

“Yeah, we might as well just walk around and pop into some place. Who’s not serving craft these days anyway?”

Eventually, most bars and restaurants will probably be serving craft beer. We can hardly keep up with all the new places when it comes to loading the information on our Craft Beer Japan app. We’re really sorry for that, and yet, not. If craft beer adoption is growing this quickly, then eventually nobody will even make a distinction between a “craft beer bar” and a “bar”. Our app, meanwhile, may become obsolete unless we add number of taps or some kind of popularity rankings to all the icons on the beer map. But again, who’s really going to need that when great craft beer is everywhere? We hope our app becomes useless because of that.

This is already something of a reality in parts of the United States, which is leading the world’s craft beer movement according to most opinions. Portland, for example, has over 50 breweries, most of which sell beer all over the city. The tiny state of Vermont has slightly more than 625,000 people, but 26 breweries according to the Brewers Association’s most recent report. That would be like Tottori or Shimane prefecture having 26 breweries! In Europe, of course, there are also cities where great beer is just an everyday part of living and drinking. Think of Brussels, Bamberg, Prague.

Japan still has a long way to go. There are many obstacles already and more that we probably don’t see coming yet. In the end, you, the consumer, will decide craft beer’s fate in Japan. If you want it, demand it. Ask your department store or liquor shop to carry it. Suggest it to restaurant owners. Obviously, support the places that do care about craft beer. Thank them and spread the word. You―not any magazine, app or website―are the best advocate.

Drink better, drink craft…

Ry Beville



「待って。クラフトビア・バー検索アプリの Craft Beer Japanで調べてみるから」




クラフトビアを置いていないバーやレストランが珍しい、そんな日が本当にやってきそうだ。本誌が開発したクラフトビア・バー検索アプリCraft Beer Japanは便利だが、新しい店に関する情報のアップロードが追いつかない状況だ。最新の情報を網羅しきれないのは心苦しい限りだが、この流れ自体は歓迎すべきこと。このままいけばクラフトビア・バーとそれ以外のバーを区別する必要も無くなってゆくだろう。各店舗のタップの数を情報として掲載したり、人気ランキングを掲載するなど新しい企画を盛り込んでゆかないとCraft Beer Japanアプリもやがて必要とされなくなる日が来るかもしれない。どこでもおいしいクラフトビアが楽しめる日が来たら本当にこんなアプリは不要になるし、私たちもその日が来ることを皆望んでいる。



Drink better, drink craft…

In this Issue:

Beyond a Door
OH! LA! HO! Beer
The New Class of Glass
Fukuoka (+ Mojiko Retro)
Bohemian Pilsner
Beer Roundup (Summer 2013)