Pizza Port Docks at Yokohama

On March 11th the crew from Pizza Port visited Antenna America in Yokohama for a tap takeover and to have a Q&A session with fans of their beer. President Vince Marsaglia, head brewer Mike Aubuchon, and assistant brewer Adam Jester were on hand to mingle with the crowd and talk beer. After their visit they traveled to Nagano for Snow Monkey Beer Live where they poured beers and had more than a little liquid fun. While there, they also did a collaboration brew with Shiga Kogen; be on the lookout for it in the coming months.

According to Vince, Japan is their first major market for export. Nagano Trading’s cold chain shipping was the major reason they made the decision to start selling in Japan. Without the guarantee that their beer would arrive in the consumer’s hands as fresh as it was when it left the brewery, they would never have made the move. We applaud their commitment to quality and wish them continued success. Now only if we could get some of their pizza over here!




