Brooklyn Brewery’s Art Legacy

Quality is essential to success in a market as crowded as craft beer’s, where there are thousands of breweries and tens of thousands of brands for consumers to choose from. Disappoint consumers once and you’re not likely to get another chance to impress them. Good branding is essential, too, and label art is central to…

Summer Ale (+ recipe!)

Summer is beer season, even if in our hearts we believe that every season is beer season. Consumption is always up among consumers. It’s something about the warmer weather that seems to make us thirsty. Naturally, craft beer producers are going to release certain styles that suit the weather. How does that work? Let’s let…

Garrett Oliver’s Crystal Ball

The craft beer world can be fickle at times. Trends that seemed sure to grow are suddenly displaced by new, unexpected ones. Even industry veterans find themselves surprised on occasion. Conversely, sometimes they see the change before it turns the corner. This was a topic of conversation during our long interview earlier this year with…

Defender IPA

Brooklyn Brewery’s Defender IPA first caught our eye about three years ago because of its interesting packaging. As we reported in our Japan Beer Times #27 Postcards column, where we featured a picture of the case, the illustration of brewmaster Garrett Oliver was by acclaimed comic book artist Khary Randolph. Earlier this year when we…