European Beer Star

European Beer Star (EBS) is one of the world’s most prestigious beer competitions, emphasizing in particular traditional European styles of beer. Registration is currently open and being accepted until September 17th–there is an early-bird discount until June 25th. We hope Japanese brewers will take the challenge! Japan has usually fared well at this competition, perhaps…

Australian International Beer Awards

Beer judging competitions are back, thank goodness! This past year saw the cancellation of the world’s premier beer competitions, but improving public health conditions are allowing some to proceed. That’s great for brewers looking for challenges, professional feedback, and potential marketing opportunities. One major competition that is back on is the Australian International Beer Awards…

Alpha Championship 2021

A battle for the best IPA in Japan? That sounds like the kind of excitement we need right now. The Alpha Championship 2021 is open for submissions, offering breweries in Japan a chance to battle for the IPA crown. The deadline for entry registration is February 15th, and more than half the spots of a…

Home Tap Craft Beer

Home delivery services for beer had been gaining traction in Japan for a couple of years at least. Then the pandemic began and demand for such services surged all the more. Our guess is that even after we return to relative normal, the demand will remain steady. People have now become accustomed to the convenience…