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Rapamune Tablets are an immunosuppressant medication used after kidney transplantation to help control your body’s immune system. This prescription drug contains the active substance sirolimus, which mediates its effects by preventing the immune system from attacking the transplanted organ and is essential in reducing the risk of organ rejection.

Sirolimus was first used as an antifungal. After some time, researchers observed that it had immunosuppressive and antiproliferative properties due to its ability to inhibit mTOR, which stands for Mammalian Target of Rapamycin. Generic Rapamune from India

Rapamycin (Sirolimus) is a specific mTOR inhibitor with IC50 of ~0.1 nM HEK293 cells.Rapamycin binds to FKBP12 and specifically acts as an allosteric inhibitor of mTORC1. Rapamycin is an autophagy activator and an immunosuppressant. Order Rapamycin online in USA, UK, Australia, cheap pricers, shipping from India