Brewhouse for sale

RIO BREWING & CO. Operated by EVER BREW, Inc. ( We at Rio Brewing have been using a Canadian HDP brewhouse at our Kashiwa, Chiba location since 2020; prior to that another brewing company had used it for about fifteen years. At the end of July, we plan on switching it out for a larger system…

Fermentis Webinar

12月20日(火)15~16時にFermentisによるウェビナーを開催いたします。今回は「ビール用ブレタノマイシス酵母”SafBrew™ BR-8”の使い方」です。Fermentisは世界初のブレタノマイシス乾燥酵母を発売しました。弊社のテクニカルデータをご紹介した上で、Hino Brewing・Seanさんに使用感をご紹介頂きます。本ウェビナーは日本と韓国のブルワー向けとなっておりますので、英語での開催となっております。なお、Q&Aは日本語でも可能です。 ご興味ある方は以下リンクよりご登録ください。 こちらがSafBrew™ BR-8の紹介ビデオです。

Long Root Hazy IPA

Patagonia Provisions recently revealed the newest addition to its series of Long Root beers, which we’ve previously reported on. For those unfamiliar with this innovative series, Patagonia Provisions is an offshoot of the world-famous outdoor company Patagonia, specializing in sustainably-sourced, ethical food and beverages. Its foray into the craft beer world began with its Long…

Drink Japan 2022

Drink Japan 2022 is one of the world’s largest beer expos, similar to Drinktec in Europe or the Craft Brewers Conference in America. One notable difference is that this annual event in Japan is for the entire beverage and liquid food industry, not just beer, but year after year the beer exhibitors have increased steadily,…