Greetings: On the occasion of the 5th issue

He i-mailed her from the office, “i-m coming home.” On the train, he popped in his i-plugs and listened to i-hits. He then switched on his i-paper and read the headlines selected for him according to i-world’s secret algorithm. “Analysts warn of a bubble as i-shares hit an all time high.” “Controversy erupts again over recent i-leaks reports.” “Monks decided that the single character to represent 2011 would not be a kanji, but ‘i’ in Roman letters.” “Kuroki Meisa models the new i-shirts from i-qlo.” “Starbucks reveals its new logo: a big green i.” “Japan fails to reach the i-Games finals… again.” “Today, world leaders signed a new climate agreement to cut CO2 emissions in half.” He tapped the screen, thinking the last headline must have been a mistake. Hmmm, he thought, this shouldn’t come up in my i-news reports.

When he got home, she greeted him at the door. They kissed and she took his i-bag and coat. “Dinner won’t be ready for another 20 minutes.” “That’s fine,” he said, grabbing her by the waist and whisking her into the bedroom. They had quick sex with their shirts still on. He smoked an i-cigarette languidly. They moseyed back to the kitchen wearing only their shirts. He opened the refrigerator to find a case of i-beer. “What the hell is this?” “Wh-what?” she stammered. “I said what the hell is this? i-beer?! Where’s the craft beer?” “There wasn’t any, honey, I’m really sorry.”

There are trends in every industry and culture. Japan is particularly sensitive to trends, it seems. The media is always talking about the latest boom. Coupons, Groupons, i-pons (we made the last one up)…it can all get a little out of control sometimes. In the craft beer scene, we are going to see all kinds of chocolate beers this season. Out of control? You decide. Will the trend toward hoppier beers continue or wane? Your guess.

There are some decidedly good trends. Craft beer is gaining wider acceptance. More restaurants are starting to transition to craft. Cost-performance is becoming key. The trend-setters always perform best. We salute those of you pushing for higher quality at affordable price. Cheers.

家で彼の帰りを待つ妻に夫は仕事場からi-メールを送った。”i-m coming home”(今から帰るから)。帰りの電車ではネットでi-ヒットの曲をしばらく楽しんだ後i-ペーパーに接続してi-ワールドの暗号アルゴリズムによって彼のためにセレクトされたi-ニュースレポートのトップ記事に目を通す。「i-株式市場が史上最高値を記録。経済評論家がバブル経済を懸念」「i-機密情報の漏えいが問題に」「2011年を象徴する文字は漢字ではなくローマ字の’i’に決定」「黒木メイサがi-クロから新発売されたi-シャツのモデルに」「スターバックスがロゴ変更、大きな緑色のローマ字’i’をデザインした新ロゴに」「日本、またもi-ゲーム決勝進出を逃す」「今日世界の首脳たちは二酸化炭素排出量を半減させる合意文書に調印」。彼は端末のディスプレイを叩きながら言った。「この最後の記事は何かの間違いだろう。この記事が僕のi-ニュースレポートに入ってくるのはおかしい」。




In this Issue:

Chocolate Beer
Swan Lake Beer
The Bright Star from Dark Star
So you want a brewing license? 発泡酒免許を取得するには
Yokohama, Beer City Japan
Beer Roundup (Winter 2011)

This article was published in Japan Beer Times # () and is among the limited content available online. Order your copy through our online shop or download the digital version from the iTunes store to access the full contents of this issue.