Beer Roundup (Winter 2020)

Not much has happened in the beer world recently. This is the result of everyone, from unborn babies to the elderly on their deathbeds, abandoning all interest in craft beer for hard seltzer. At least thatā€™s the impression you might get reading beverage journalism and social media in America. First, for the unfamiliar, hard seltzer…

Beer Roundup (Autumn 2019)

Ceaselessly the river flows and yet the water is never the same. So begins Kamo no ChĆ“meiā€™s essay HĆ“jĆ“ki (ā€œAn Account of my Hermitageā€, 1212), the opening lines of which most if not all students of Japanese literature have to read and memorize. Later in the work, he writes, ā€œBecause I was born into a…

Beer Roundup (Summer 2019)

What stirs in the far-flung corners of this world among those who follow the strange and wondrous path of beer? To unveil such mysteries, we embarked upon a wandering adventure lasting many moons. And then…Ā  Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear, and the Ring of Power perceived its…

Beer Roundup (Spring 2019)

(Garage Project taproom) If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound? If a butterfly flaps its wings in Europe, does it cause a typhoon in Japan? If a brewer in Japan makes a sake-infused milkshake IPA with yuzu and glitter, does the collective gasp of excitement by beer geeks around the…

Beer Roundup (Winter 2019)

One of the things we often take conscious note of while scouring the worldā€™s news for beer stories to share in this digest is just how interesting the beer industry and beer culture is. Itā€™s like a magnet for the weird and wonderful, the smart and the creative, the entrepreneurial and adventure-loving of this world.…