Beer Roundup (Summer 2022)

“Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!”-The Wizard of Oz COVID, inflation, and war, oh my
 Times are tough, folks. In this column we’ve mused about the threat of asteroid strikes, zombie attacks, and robots, but we’re overwhelmed with some real world shit right now. Let’s take a gander at what’s going on around the…

Beer Roundup (Spring 2022)

Once there was a wayto get back home-The Beatles, Golden Slumbers There is no going back now. Things are forever changed. We thought Coronavirus had overturned our lives, but as we write, there is war in Europe. We can’t yet fully see how this will alter our lives. It is certain to be profound. This…

Beer Roundup (Winter 2022)

You, friend, are going to die, unless of course you are artificial intelligence reading this at some later date after our extinction. Dear friend, if COVID doesn’t get you–unlikely, given current recovery rates–then something else will, perhaps even something absurd like a random lightning strike while you are demonstrating to neighborhood kids that you can…

Beer Roundup (Autumn 2021)

(photo: Austria, home of beer poop) Gold miners in California in the 19th century were thirsty folks who drank quite a lot of steam beer. We’ve dug up so many news nuggets from around the world for this issue’s Roundup that we’re thirsty for a few liters ourselves. Have a seat here at our campfire…

Beer Roundup (Summer 2021)

“There must be some kind of way out of here,” said the joker to the thief, “There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief.” —Bob Dylan, All Along the Watchtower Do you ever feel
 confused? Like you just can’t make sense of this world anymore? It’s not clear to us if beer exacerbates that…