Beer Roundup (Fall 2022)

(English follows the Japanese)








このような状況の中、ブリュードッグはロンドンの中心部に大規模な店舗を作った。27,000平方フィート(約2,500平方メートル)という巨大な2階建ての店舗は、ロンドンのバーの中でも最大級の規模を誇り、施設内にはダックピンボウリング場、ポッドキャストスタジオ、コワーキング・スペース、会議室やカフェまで揃っている。施設内に防空壕もあるのだろうか? ウクライナのカールスバーグの工場は知りたがっているはず……






夏になると蚊に悩まされる。この厄介者に対抗するため、クアーズ・ライトは「Coors Light Thirst Trap」という面白いガジェットを公開した。缶の上部に取り付けるだけで、おびき寄せられた蚊が缶に入ったら出られないようになっている。ビールを缶の中に少しだけ残しておき、この装置を缶の上部にパチンと留めるだけ。ヒトもビールにおびき寄せられるのだから、蚊が寄ってくるのもそんなに不思議なことではない。

7月初旬、コロラド州を本拠地とするニューベルジャンは、ビールをテーマにしたウォーターパーク「Voodoo Ranger IPA Action Park」の建設を計画していると発表した。水の代わりにビールを使った「X-treme Brew Flume(エクストリーム・ビールスライダー)」や、ビールを満たしたウェーブプール、中古の樽を使ったローラーコースターなどが計画に含まれていた。建設予定地はカリフォルニア州ナパ。カリフォルニアワインの一大生産地として知られているところである。すると一部のナパ住民から抗議の声が上がり、そのほかにもネット上で怒りのメッセージを投稿する者が出てきた。ところがやがて、ニューベルジャンの発表はジョークだったことが判明。しかし地元のワイン好きにこのジョークは通じず、彼らは不快感を覚えたようだ。


Mysterious music begins, punctuated by exotic bird calls, dripping water, and other sounds of a lush forest… The deep, dramatic voice of a narrator intones, “It is one of the world’s most marvelous beasts, active by day and by night, a social creature that does not discriminate, seeking out all for companionship.” The soundtrack shifts to the clack of train wheels, of rumbling trucks, and other ambient noises of an urban setting. “The world over, it has adapted to its environment in unique and surprising ways, a symbiotic organism that gives color to our lives. Without it, we might wonder if civilization could have thrived at all. Its subtle, understated impact may be as essential as that of bees, plankton, earthworms, and other small organisms that are the lubricant of life itself.” The sound of fizzing. The screen gives way to an image of a glass of amber-hued, carbonated liquid with a frothy head. “Ladies and gentlemen, National Beerographic presents: a journey into the world of beer.”


Our first stop on this magical safari takes us to Germany. In that thriving rainforest of beer, the brewpub Giesinger Brewery announced in July that it would allow customers to pay for beer with an equal amount of sunflower oil. The war in Ukraine created a shortage of cooking oil because farmers there were a big supplier of the raw material. If you already had a stock of sunflower oil, this is a great deal because it was cheaper than beer. One lucky patron told Reuters that he brought in 80 liters of oil in exchange for several crates of beer.

Danish megabrewer Carlsberg lifted its profit forecast for the year, despite disruptions from the war. The company noted that it had managed to get its three production breweries in Ukraine fully operating again. Ukraine’s battered economy can certainly use the help.

Carlsberg Sweden, meanwhile, built a bar underwater with the message, “Don’t Drink and Boat”. The point is that if you do, you could end up causing an accident and drinking on the bottom of the sea. Yes, it’s an accurate replica of a bar and scuba divers can visit. Carlsberg encourages you to drink its non-alcoholic beer when boating.

Pubs and pub-goers alike continue to fret in the UK. Inflation there hit a 40-year high, climbing above 9% in June. Last issue, we also reported that prices for a pint in London had eclipsed £8 in some pubs. And according to an August 5th report by CNBC, the cost of a pint has increased by 70% since 2008. Unfortunately, economists believe inflation could rise above 13% in October. Beer is getting hit particularly hard because the price of barley has doubled since 2021, in part due to poor harvests in America. The inability of Ukrainian farmers to export is also affecting grain prices. Fertilizing costs are tripling, and energy costs are rising, too. Soon, maybe pubs in England will allow you to trade in your car for a pint of beer.

That is, if pubs even survive! According to research from the Morning Advertiser, over 70% of pub owners reported that they didn’t think they could survive the winter without some kind of government intervention. The reason: rising energy costs. A whopping 65% said that their utility costs had soared 100%, while 30% reported a 200% increase.  

Against this backdrop, BrewDog has unveiled a massive retail venue in Waterloo. The two-story facility with 27,000+ square feet makes it one of London’s biggest bars. Its offerings include a duckpin bowling alley, a podcast studio, co-working space and pods, meeting rooms, and a cafe. Does it come with a bomb shelter? Carlsberg breweries in Ukraine are asking…

Elsewhere in the UK, Premier League champions Manchester City announced a partnership with Asahi, which will serve its Asahi Super Dry at football games in the new season. The hospitality facility in Etihad Stadium will also be renamed Asahi Super Dry Tunnel Club. To promote the new partnership, a boat sailed into Manchester carrying the beer (or at least its prop) with two of the club’s “legends”, Shaun Wright-Phillips and Shaun Goater. Since Manchester City’s logo is a boat, we understand, but it would have been much cooler if a life-sized Gundam walked into the city carrying the beer. They could’ve borrowed the one in Yokohama, home to the F. Marinos team, which is part of the City Football Group.

In other sports news, this year cyclists at the Arctic Race of Norway vied for glory and beer. In previous years, the race had given away 500kg of salmon to the winner. This year, the world’s “northernmost brewery”, Mack, celebrated its 150th anniversary by sponsoring the race and giving away 400 liters of beer to the champion. The winner, Axel Zingle, on the Israel-Premier Tech team, drank part of his winnings with teammates, and Mack will apparently ship the rest to the team’s headquarters in Lille, France to further share with other staff and riders. Drinking is teamwork!

On the other side of the Atlantic, Ecuadorian bioengineer Javier Carvajal recreated a beer using a 400-year-old yeast sample culled from a preserved oak barrel. Some are hailing it Latin America’s oldest beer. According to AFP, which interviewed Carvajal, he first read about a Franciscan brewery in Quito founded in 1566 by a monk from Belgium’s Flemish region. Historians speculate that he brought grains to Quito, which were used to brew. He likely borrowed the yeast, however, from chicha, an indigenous, corn-based beverage. As fate would have it, Carvajal is from a brewing family. Amen to that.

In nearby Mexico, one of the world’s largest exporters of beer, the northern part of the country is suffering from severe drought. The situation has become so dire that president Andrés Manual López Obrador held a press conference calling for industrial brewers there to halt operations and shift to production in Mexico’s south, where conditions are better. Unfortunately for the breweries, that is farther from the American market where much of the beer is sold. Sounds like yet more price increases along the way.

Shortages everywhere! Some American breweries had to shut down over the summer due to a shortage of CO2. According to reports, a supplier of CO2 in Mississippi suffered contamination issues, thus constraining supplies that were already tight due to pandemic-related logistical disruptions. In an era of global warming, running out of CO2 seems like a particularly cruel irony.

Summer brings mosquitoes. To combat the pest, Coors Light revealed a gadget called the Coors Light Thirst Trap, which is designed to fit on their cans and lure mosquitoes to their demise. The whole can is not necessary; drinkers can leave their last few sips before snapping it on. What? It’s not so weird. Beer lures humans, too.

In early July, Colorado-based brewery New Belgium announced plans for a beer-themed water park to be called the Voodoo Ranger IPA Action Park. Rides included the “X-treme Brew Flume” with beer instead of water, a beer-filled wave pool, and a roller coaster using old barrels. The location? Napa, CA, aka “Wine Country”. Some Napa residents began plans for protests, while others posted angry messages on social media. The announcement, however, turned out to be a prank. Local wine lovers were not amused.

That concludes our safari, folks. Join us again this winter to discover what these curious beasts have been up to.

This article was published in Japan Beer Times # () and is among the limited content available online. Order your copy through our online shop or download the digital version from the iTunes store to access the full contents of this issue.