Beer Roundup (Winter 2013)

Festivals フェスティバル

As the year winds down, so do most of the festivals and beer events, leaving us with less to report on. Which means more time to drink at our local bars. Hey, we didn’t forget you!

We reported last time on the possibility of festival fatigue setting in—you know, same kind of festival, same people, same beers, different city. Well, Ikon Europubs spiced things up with a rambunctious release party for Red Hook in an old strip club in Kabukicho, Tokyo’s famed red-light district. We were pleased to see a combination of importers and domestic brewers serving their goods at this American-themed party complete with live blues and rockabilly bands, even some rockabilly dancers. We searched backstage for the strippers but, alas, none were to be found. Ikon Europubs, we demand a rerun!

One week later, hello sunny Kyushu, for Fukuoka’s annual beer festival. The city was packed and no hotels were available! Um, wait–everyone was there to see Paul McCartney perform, not attend the festival… Many brewers were also in town for the opening of the beautiful new Goodbeer Faucets Hakata, making it quite a festive weekend. Despite a venue change and the festival stretching to two days instead of one, the crowds were good and the beer was better than ever. It’s encouraging to see Kyushu, especially Fukuoka, grow into its potential.

Beer Hopper Festival Machida, for the unfortunate ones that don’t know, is a unique bar-crawl festival in Tokyo’s Western-most suburb. The bars in Machida cooperate each year in late November, circulating the crowds from one place to the next. Crowded, yes, but great fun. Why aren’t other bar-concentrated districts across Japan considering similar antics?

Rounding out the year were all those company-related, year-end-parties you really didn’t want to attend because of the cheap, tasteless beer and boring co-workers that don’t like craft beer. What? You skipped out on that to attend Hop Revolution? Nice choice! (Companies should just consider taking everyone to festivals instead of going out to lame dinner engagements) The second running of this event was an eye-opener (see page #51 for longer report) that has certainly set the bar higher for festivals in 2014.


私達は前号でフェスティバル疲れの可能性が出てきたと伝えた。ご存知、似たようなフェスティバル、同じ顔ぶれ、同じビール、違うのは開催都市だけ。とはいえ、最近Ikon Europubs (アイコンユーロパブ)が東京の有名な歓楽街、歌舞伎町の古いかつてのストリップクラブでレッドフックの大騒ぎリリースパーティーを主催し、大いに盛り上げた。アメリカがテーマのパーティーではブルースやロカビリーバンドの生演奏、さらにはロカビリーダンサーまでもが用意され、喜ばしいことにインポーターと国内ブルワーが商品を提供するというコンビネーションを見ることができた。バックステージでストリッパーを探してみた私達だったが、あ~あ、誰も見つけることができなかった。Ikon Europubsの皆さん、あの熱狂をもう一度!

その1週間後には、晴天の九州よこんにちは、福岡で毎年開催されるビールフェスティバルだ。福岡市は非常に混雑していて、宿泊可能なホテルがなかったくらい!ふむ、ちょっと待って。なるほど、フェスティバルに参加するためではなく、ポール・マッカートニーのライブに行くために混んでいたらしい…。また、Goodbeer Faucets Hakata(グッドビアファウセッツ)の素晴らしいオープンのため多くのブルワー達が博多に集まり、かなりのお祭り騒ぎの週末となった。会場の変更や、1日だったはずの開催日程の2日への延長にもかかわらず、イベントは良い参加者に恵まれ、ビールも過去最高の美味さ。九州、特に福岡の秘めた可能性を感じられて心強い限りだ。


気乗りのしない会社関係の忘年会だらけで1年が締めくくられる。そう、安くて、味気のないビールと、クラフトビールが好きでない退屈な同僚のために。なんだって?Hop Revolution(ホップ・レボリューション)に参加するために忘年会をサボった?それは良い判断!(企業は時代遅れの夕食の拘束なんかやめて、全員をフェスティバルに連れて行くことを検討すべき。)本イベントの第2回開催は目を見張るものだった。(ページ51の長編レポートをご覧ください)確実に2014年のフェスティバルの期待レベルを押し上げた。

Crystal Ball クリスタルボール

We might as well take this opportunity to look ahead to the rest of 2014. As we hinted in our greeting, it’s going to be a bumpy year.

Sales were very disappointing for many bars back in the autumn. It seems that with the announcement of the sales tax increase, many people started going out to make big-item purchases before 8% kicked into effect, leaving them with less spending cash for a few months. I mean, if you are buying a ¥700,000 Brew-Magic system to fill your tiny kitchen, don’t you want to save ¥21,000? Oh, that’s right, homebrewing is still illegal in Japan. Damn, nevermind. Anyway, this cash situation may continue to be the case until the Spring. The eventual tax increase may actually be easier for most businesses to absorb than this initial personal spending freeze.

Many popular breweries, however, still anticipate continued demand for their brews and with a handful of them at capacity already, we’re looking at expansions and new breweries over the next few months. Most notable among those is Baird Beer, which is scheduled to open its huge, new brewery in the Spring. They will join the small, but growing club of breweries with systems large enough to allow them to produce beyond 1000 kiloliters a year: Otaru Beer, Echigo Beer, Gotemba Kogen Beer, Yo-Ho Brewing, Karuizawa Brewery, Coedo Brewery and Kiuchi Brewery. Brace yourself, world– Japan’s got some decent export capacity now!

In a unique move, Swan Lake is building a second brewery roughly the same size of their original, rather than a much larger single one. We definitely hope to see more seasonals now from their great brewers. Meanwhile, another brewery of similar size and fame is building a new, much larger facility but we’re not yet authorized to say which– you’ll just have to wait and see! With equal anticipation, we look forward to the opening of a promising new brewery in Nagoya run by Okadaya, the family-owned business behind Kega Nagoya and Grillman. With their intimate knowledge of the city, including retail and distribution (that’s Okadaya’s original line of business), we expect them to significantly raise the profile of craft in that big city.

We know of about a dozen other small to medium-sized craft breweries, too, either being built or in advanced planning stages–some are just waiting for a license. Which probably means there are at least as many more we don’t know about. Hey, don’t be shy; contact us if you are one of those.





ユニークな動きとして、スワンレイクが、より大きなブルワリー単体を造るのではなく、彼らの既存ブルワリーと同じ規模の2つ目のブルワリーを建設中である。素晴らしいスワンレイクのブルワー達によって、より多くの季節限定ビールを目にする機会が増えることを切に願っている。同時に、同規模のサイズと評判を有する他のブルワリーが、より大規模の施設を新しく建設中だが、具体的にどのブルワリーかまだ公言できない。どうぞお楽しみに!同様に、名古屋のKeg Nagoya(ケグナゴヤ)とGrillman(グリルマン)のバックにある家族経営の酒屋、おかだや(岡田屋)が将来有望な醸造所を創設すると聞いて、こちらも楽しみだ。地元を知り尽くし、小売りや流通の深い知識を有するおかだやが、この大きな街におけるクラフトビールの知名度を上げてくれると期待している。


Places to Drink 飲み処

The pace of new bars and restaurants opening to serve craft beer does not appear to be slowing. But each season now for the past year, a few packages of Japan Beer Times we ship out are returned to us because some businesses have closed. The mere act of carrying craft beer used to be enough, but with competition these days, places have to do more. We’re not just talking about happy hour specials (unless, of course, drinks are 100% off).

We expect to see much more focus on food this year. In fact, a growing number of places will make food their primary attraction, with craft beer accentuating their menu. Thankfully, given beer’s complexity and great range of flavor, there are perhaps no food traditions that you can’t pair beer with. For the past two years, for example,’s Great American Beer Bar award based on fan voting has gone to Mekong, a Vietnamese restaurant serving craft beer in Richmond, Virginia–it seems anything’s possible! With the great variety of food available in Japan, we think some very creative pairings are going to emerge.

There are at present a handful of breweries with taprooms located at separate locations. Baird, Isekadoya, Minoh, Shonan and Baeren are perhaps the most popular and successful of them. We anticipate a few more opening up this year and, like Baird, not necessarily in the city closest to the brewery. Could simple versions like the Brimmer Beer Box be the trend or classier incarnations like Kiuchi’s True Brew in Mito?

Mugishutei and Antenna America seem to have consolidated a whole new genre of drinking establishment. Are these places import tasting rooms? Bottle shops? Bars? Casual dining areas? Who knows, but it’s working for them and we expect other importers as well as a few domestic craft breweries to model similar businesses after them. We’d model our office after them but we’d get nothing done.

クラフトビールを提供する新しいバーやレストランの新規開店ペースは落ちていないようだ。しかし昨年の各シーズンにおいて、発送されたJapan Beer Times誌の幾つかは店舗の閉店により戻ってきてしまった。クラフトビールを提供するだけで十分だったはずが、昨今は競争が激しくなり、店側にはさらなる努力が必要とされている。私達は単にハッピーアワースペシャルのことだけを言っているわけではない(もちろん、ドリンクが100%割引となれば話は別だが)。

今年は今まで以上にフードに重点が置かれることに期待する。実際、増加の一途をたどるクラフトビールの飲み処ではフードに関心を向けさせ、クラフトビールがメニューにアクセントを添えているようだ。有り難いことに、複雑さと味の幅広さを有するビールには、ペアリング不可能な食のしきたりはない。過去2年において、例えばCraftbeer.comのGreat American Beer Barはファン投票に基づき、バージニア州リッチモンドのクラフトビールを提供するベトナム料理レストランMekongが受賞した。何だってありということだ!多種多様な料理が味わえる日本においては、とても独創的なマリアージュが実現可能だと私達は考える。

現在、醸造施設と別にタップルームを構えるブルワリーは数少ない。ベアード、伊勢角屋、箕面、湘南とベアレンが最も有名かつ成功を収めているのではないだろうか。私達は今年、更に幾つかのブルワリーがタップルームを開設すると見込んでおり、中にはベアードのように、必ずしもブルワリーに近い都市ではないものもあるだろう。Brimmer Beer Box(ブリマー・ビア・ボックス)のようなシンプルなバージョンは流行りになり得ないだろうか?もしくは水戸市にある木内酒造のTrue Brew(トゥルー・ブルー)のような豪華な化身はどうだろう?

麦酒停およびAntenna America(アンテナアメリカ)は酒を嗜む場として全く新しいジャンルを確立したようだ。輸入ビールのテイスティングルームなのか?ボトルショップ?バー?カジュアルなダイナー?その答えは不明だが、しかし、それらはきちんと機能しているし、私達は他のインポーターや国内のクラフトブルワリーにも、彼らのビジネスをモデルに追随して欲しいと思う。私達のオフィスも彼らをモデルにしたいところだが、さすがに何のメリットもなさそうだ。

Beer Styles ビールのスタイル

A wave of hoppiness washed through Japan in 2012 and much of 2013 but we’re already seeing signs of that receding some. Other styles are emerging as drinkers’ tastes become more sophisticated. Brewers, too, more confident in their skills, are exploring styles new to them.

Japan has been waiting for sour and barrel-aged beers for some time. A select few breweries have attempted these styles with some success, but no brewery yet has a dedicated barrel-aging program. We suspect Shiga Kogen (which has worked admirably with barrels), Baird, Outsider and a few others may begin to introduce such delights to a larger segment of the public later this year. Or is this just wishful thinking? Speaking of which…



Wishful Thinking for 2014? 2014年の願望?

We’ll just list it without too much commentary:

-homebrewing becomes legal in Japan (because it’s so harmless)
-craft beer is sold on bullet trains (though you can always get bottles from retailers in Tokyo Station, including Liquors Hasegawa)
-the minimum yearly production volume to receive a brewing license is abolished (because entrepreneurs should be able to enter the market more easily)
-Japan Beer Times in the seat pockets of all domestic flights (that would be “Cool Japan”)
-world peace and no more hungry children (because, seriously, if mankind can build pyramids and civilization on beer, why the hell is that so hard? Is there not enough beer?)

-国内線飛行機の全シートポケットにJapan Beer Times誌設置(それこそ「クールジャパン」だ!)

This article was published in Japan Beer Times # () and is among the limited content available online. Order your copy through our online shop or download the digital version from the iTunes store to access the full contents of this issue.